Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

The Lexington Leader, Lexington, Jensen-Orr The wedding of Miss Louise Jensen, daughter of and Mrs. Norman Jensen, Los Altos, Thomas Hilliard Orr, son of and Mrs. Harry Heath Orr Visalia, was solemnized Saturday afternoon, Aug. at 4:30 o'clock, at the Lutheran Church, City. Calif.

The Rev. George Spendt officiated. The bride wore a gown white embroidered fashioned over a white sheath, made in Empire with a high collar. length veil was embroidered with the same flowered She carried a bouquet, of roses, babies-breath, stephanotis, and minioture carnations. The maid of honor was Deborah Lee Lumkes, Altos, and the bridesmaids Mrs.

Charles Dean sister of the bride, and Charyl Jean Louisville. The maid of and the bridesmaids identical dresses of cotton voile, dark blue ivory print design. They large picture and baskets of dark blue and colored flowers, tied with blue ribbons. Mr. Orr served his son best man.

The groomsmen William Jensen, Los brother of bride; Gray Green Augusta, the. brother in law of bridegroom, and Robert Settle III, Atlanta, Ga. After the wedding a was held at the home of bride's parents, 17 Cody Los Altos. The bridegroom is a of Mrs. Harry H.

Orr and late Mr. Orr, Holly and of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parker, Lexington. The couple, who are seniors Centre College, reside at 247 Maple Danville.

University in the spring of year, and is a member of North Carolina Symphony. The public is invited. sion is free. Dear -Abby Abigail Van Buren Harp, Violin Recital Set In Frankfort No MRS. ORR A recital performed by Susan Hill Ottzen, harpist, formerly of Lexington, Lorentz Ottzen, violinist, will be given Sunday, at 8 p.m.

at Bradford Hall on the Kentucky State College campus in Frankfort. Mrs. Ottzen is completing her undergraduate music degree at Western Reserve University, Cleveland, and is a harp student of Alice Chalifoux. She was a former student of Joan Ceo while performing with the Central Kentucky Youth Symphony Orchestra and later attending the University of Kentucky. She will perform harp solos, "Passacaglia" by Handel, "Mirage" and "Idyllic Poem" by Salzedo.

Mrs. Ottzen will join her husband in performing "Fantasie" SaintSaens for violin and Mr. Ottzen, accompanied by David Ralph, will perform "Sonata for Violin" by McClair and "Tzigane" by Ravel. Ottzen completed his bachelor of arts degree at Case Western Reserve Complains Wife Has No More Zip DEAR ABBY: This is in reference to the 73-year-old woman who wondered if a doctor could prescribe something to pep "Who her 91 year old husband hadn't touched her in two years. I don't believe it! Not about the man the woman.

I am a 69 year old man I'm as peppy today as I ands 40 years ago, and I show no signs of slowing up. I'm married to a 65-year-old woman who would be happy if I never touched her again. I have been faithful husband for over 40 years, but right now would like to meet that 73- year-old fireball, and I wouldn't care what she looked like either. Our neighborhood is full of widows, and not one of them has any zip I knew all their husbands and the frustrations they suffered. Please ask your medical experts why women lose their interest in sex so much earlier than men.

STILL INTERESTED AT 69 DEAR STILL: I asked. And it's not true. DEAR ABBY: Occasionally you put your foot in your mouth, and in replying to the wife, who was bugged by her husband's hobby of model railroading you really did it. Your statement, "Railroads are becoming as extinct as whooping is not true for actual railroads. and is less true for the scale model railroad hobby.

T. J. DEAR T. J. I made no mention whatsoever of the scale model railroad hobby.

I was passenger trains. there were referring, to, 20.000 daily passenger trains in the United States; today there are fewer than 400, hence my whooping crane comment. DEAR ABBY: So that gal who's married to a railroad nut thinks she's worse off than the one who's married to a stamp collector? Well, my husband is not only a railroad fan and a stamp collector, he is a football fanatic! His idea of heaven could be in the ROUGHS OF wilderness RED of RIVER River subject of a Nellie Meadows Wednesday, Karen Mr. Gilbert and Mr. 21st, Messiah Redwood Pastor of net satin Style motif.

white Miss Los were Franklin, Miss Beswick, honor wore French and wore carried dark as were Altos, Charles the E. reception, the Lane, grandson the Springs, J. both will Avenue, this the Admis- MARION DEAR MARION: Yup. A triple whammy. Lotsa luck.

attending a stamp auction on a railroad train, en route to the Army Navy football game. From now until the Super Bowl, my husband won't even know I'm alive. But I will know he is because every room of our house will be littered with stamp catalogs, old railroad timetables and football magazines. When Ire got the September Playboy, he read the Pigskin in Review before even looked at the centerfold playmate. Would you say I had a problem? DEAR ABBY: PETE IN WESTPORT wrote to say he always sleeps in the altogether, but he keeps a pair of pajama tops undeh his pillow in case of fire.

Then he added, "-and my wife sleeps same way, only SHE keeps the BOTTOMS under HER pillow." Tell Pete in of fire he would much better off with the bottoms, and his wife with the tops. THINKING AHEAD What's your problem? You'll feel better if you get it off your chest. Write to ABBY, Box 69700, Los Angeles, Cal. 90069. For a personal reply enclose stamped, addressed envelope.

Hate to write letters? Send $1 to Abby, Box 69700, Los Angeles, Cal. 90069, for Abby's booklet, "How to Write Letters for All Occasions." This is the season of bargain hunter's delight. Most stores end sales in which the merchandise is greatly reduced. But make sure you're getting a good buy. Check the product for stains and damages.

Don't ignore the possibility of style changes, particularly with shoes and dresses. And if your weight fluctuates greatly, think twice before buying something for next year. Series Of Red River Gorge Prints To Be Released By Clay City Agent Sept. 8, 1971 By NEVYLE SHACKELFORD The verdant sanctuaries of the Red River Gorge where the trees stand silent and close, and where the limpid waters of this turbulent stream wend their way through a wilderness of mountain laurel and rhododendron, is the subject of a painting to be released about Sept. 15 Mrs.

Nellie Meadows. "The Roughs of Red River" is the title of the print and will be the first of a series which she plans to paint of picturesque sections of this nationally famous area in theh Daniel Boone National Forest. Mrs. Meadows who has attained considerable fame as a wildflower artist said the idea of doing a series of paintings of the gorge occurred to her while studying wildflowers within its confines. Impressed with the beauty of these secluded and scientifically UK Wives Club Meets Thursday The University of Kentucky Residents and Interns Wives Club will have its book club meeting at 8 p.m.

Thursday at the home of Mrs. Michael Hinshaw, 235 Glendover Road. The book discussion for this month will be "Night Comes to the Cumberlands," by Harry Caudill. It deals with the history and life of the people living in Kentucky. Mrs.

Hinshaw is the book club chairman. All UK residents and interns wives are invited attend a to Shakertown to observe Shaker attend art and the architecture and to annual fall festival. Club members will leave at 9 a.m. Saturday from Turfland Mall parking lot next to Central Bank. The group will see the Louisville Ballet Company per form "The Shakers" and also will have lunch at the inn.

The next event for art-lovers to attend will be the Cave Country Artists, Craftsmen Fair, Oct. Cave City. Mrs. Barton Dick is the art chairman. Spicer-Chenault At 1:30 p.m.

Aug. 28 in the garden at Liberty Hall, Frankfort, Miss Ann Spicer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Spicer, Monterey.

was married to David Larkin Chenault, son of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Chenault, Frankfort. The Rev.

William Hubble, St. Augustine Episcopal church, Lexington, and the Rev. John Chenault, First Christian Church, Frankfort, officiated at the double ring, ceremony. Taped musical selections and the wedding processional were provide: by Richard Bouton, Frankfort. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white empire gown of woven patterned cotton trimmed broad strips of cotton lace.

She carried a bouquet of pink roses, daisies and carnations. Mrs Ray Perkins, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Her floor-length dress was fashioned of flowered striped organdy, She carried a of pink carnations and daisies. The bridesmaids were Misses Melody Lusby, Owenton; Susan England, Wheatley; Veronica Gayle, New Liberty, and Mrs. James Howard, Frankfort.

Their dresses were like that of the matron of honor. They DRYCLEANING DISCOUNT TAYLOR'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS NO LIMIT THIS COUPON MAY BE USED AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE TROUSERS SWEATERS 49 SUITS 994 SKIRTS (PLAIN) EACH DRESSES (PLAIN) EACH IMPERIAL PLAZA SHIRTS LAUNDERED BANKAMERICARD EUCLID AT WOODLAND CARDINAL VALLEY wuRlit GEORGETOWN ST. 4 FOR master charge JOYLAND PARK. OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 31, 1971 anti pot Hints from Heloise By Heloise Cruise Dear Heloise: It has taken several years to perfect what I am about to tell you, but now that I have discovered these few little tricks, I felt obligated to write SO I might help others maybe repay you for all the help you and your readers have given me.

We are an average family of four and on a pretty tight budget. The buying of groceries was the hardest to make come out within the limits set by my husband. Here's what I do. On days when grocery money is a little scarce, never take your husband with you. The things he throws in the basket you just wouldn't believe.

However, when there are a few extra that can be spent, take all means. dollars, You will never be blamed for spending too much as he is the one who put the extra things in the basket. The one thing that makes grocery shopping SO difficult these days is that there are SO many things, other than groceries that can be obtained there. Today's grocery stores carry tools, camping equipment, clothes and scads of other things. You might be saying to yourself, I am saving time running to another store to pick up a pair of shorts for my daughter or that extension cord for the bedroom.

Believe me, these things cost more at the grocery store than at the local dry goods store. Compare the prices, I think you will be amazed. If your husband is one of those who insists on going with you every time (like mine used to), after you retunr home, set aside the items he put in the basket that were not on your list. Itemize them and the cost and also keep with it the list you made. When the end of the month comes and he wants to know where all the grocery money went, just whip out your little record and show him in writing.

My husband' never says this to me any more. Well, Heloise, what do you think? The next time you go to the grocery store, notice the baskets of the husband-and-wife shoppers and the ones where only the wife does the shopping. I personally get a big kick watching the newly married couples shop. Wouldn't you just love to check their baskets five years from now? I hope I have solved some family squabbles which might have arisen over the grocery budget. Now if I can get my children to clean their room every day without complaining, I'll have it made! Smart Wife I think you have gotten right down to the -gritty of overspending at the grocery store.

I can almost see the rooftops fly at the end of the month and then quietly settle when the wife presents her monthly report! I'm all for it, gal, and listen very carefully when this month comes to an end and I'm sure you will be able to hear hundreds of "Thank Yous" coming your way. Also, I want to leave you with what I have said many times over, "Never shop on an empty stomach." Heloise Dear Heloise: Last Sunday we had a slight emergency at our house. I turned on the water in the kitchen and could not get it to turn off. It is one of those wonderful new lever valve jobs. After my husband fixed it, he complimented me on finding the instructions so quickly.

My first smug attitude was due to the fact that they were in the filing cabinet where they belonged. Then I had to chuckle! Who else would ever look under for deposit, guarantees and instructions? anyway, a filing cabinet is a wonderful asset to any home, but if you should have filing system like mine, you better make an index like I'm going to. Mrs. W. W.

Fuller Dear Heloise: If the vinyl cover on your child's car seat cracks from the cold or old age before you're done with it, you can prolong its usefulness and make the seat comfortable for your child by pinning a hand towel around it. This can easily be removed for washing and you still have your towel when your child outgrows the seat. Mrs. W. L.

Voice Of Broadway By JACK O'BRIAN "No, No, Nanette" this week paid off its $650,000 investment (it hauls in $22,000 a week profit; it even sold out without Ruby Keeler during her vacation) J. Clarke's 3rd Ave. spot has the best VIP collection and its customers are blase about Names but Ruby Keeler, Joan Blondell and Patsy Kelly turned heads the other midnight. Joan Fontaine in "21" was telling everyone, sadly, about "Prince" Mike Romanoff's death We first met Mike, always the charming, graud, in a 52nd St. joint (Joe Helbock's Three Deuces) when Mike was fighting off deportation and had been exposed as an ex-Brooklyn barber named Harry Gerguson; which point Mike kept his regality and said he would buy a pair of gold scissors for anyone who could prove he was an old Flatbush snip.

Love the title of Lawrence Welk's autobiog: "Wunnerful, Wunnerful!" Nassau's famed controversial Sir. mitted Stafford he took Sands, a one who million addollar "fee" from the gambling interests trying to get into the Bahamas (he was knighted back when The Bay Street Boys the minority whites ran Nassau as their own fiefdom), is at Presbyterian Hospital here, near death. Now the Las Vegas' scuttle says Howard Hughes' hotels are losing, a fortune but not for HH to worry (he's got two billion all his own). Dick Pack's word for almostassassinated Joe Colombo's insolent mob: "Hoodspah." The new "Sweet Saviour" sick-flick, a sleazy attempt to capitalize on, the Charles Manson terrors, rec'd the worst film reviews we've ever seen (0-Stars in the Daily News). Cigaret commercials are surfacing in the oddest places: smack in the center of paperback books; for instance interrupting William Hegner's "'The Host" novel It's about MRS.

CAMPBELL Martin-Campbell This Gorge scene is deep the Clay released City. soon print to be sketches of important places, she felt she must capture them on canvas. "This does not mean," she said, "that I have forsaken my wildflower painting. I'm still going to continue this form of art, but I felt I must do some of more interesting scenes in gorge SO that more people the can see what it is truly like." The beautiful scene Mrs. Meadows depicts in her latest painting is a particularly wild and rugged area in Wolfe county near the Menifee county line and about two and one-half miles upstream from Sky Bridge.

To get entails all-day hike there, all but impossible terrain of huge -boulders, windfalls, and rhododendron thickets. With numerous portages, it can also be reached by canoe. For many people no other realm calls with such persistence or lures with such fascination as wilderness areas. by Red River Arts, Inc. of Mrs.

Meadows is making field the area. For here in the twilight occasioned by cliff and crag and leafed and needled branch where all nature seems in balance, they find, if only briefly, oblivions from worldly cares. Unfortunately because of age, circ*mstance, or other reason, many wilderness enthusiast may find it impossible to visit these magnificent places within the As second best they can enjoy them through the paintings of Mrs. Meadows. Art critics who know the gorge and have had a preview of her first attempt at painting scenes within it, are in unanimous agreement that she has indeed captured the mood of the area and this latest print displays all the excellence of her previous work with wildflowers.

The painting will 1 be released by Red River Arts, Inc. Clay City. Esquire Fashions for Men by 0. E. Schoeffler The influence of the young, and their iconoclastic attitudes toward such "irrelevant" things as fashion, has had an impact on the whole field.

And for men who think it is young irrelevant, they certainly spend a lot of time and effort in looking "different" from their fellows! Dear Mr. Schoeffler: I've been seeing a lot of these redwhite-and-blue lace-up shoes around all summer long. Patriotism aside, I think they're awful looking. Is this a genuine fashion, or just another La Habra. Dear L.

I've seen some models that I didn't think were lawful at all, but rather handsome! However, I'm inclined to think they're a fad with, consequently, a rather short life expectancy. Dear Mr. Schoeffler: What, exactly, are these new two-tone trousers? When, and where con they be worn? -K. M. Nashville.

Dear K. M. There isn't any exact definition for them, They can be slacks with patch pockets in a contrasting color, or with each leg a different color, or even a "harlequin" effect with the front and back in different colors on one leg and reversed on the other. They're worn for sports and leisure time activities. Dear Mr.

Schoeffler: What are "skinny rib" knits, and who wears W. N. Topeka. Dear P. W.

They're lightweight rib-knit pullovers that fit so closely to the body they're like a second skin. Hopefully, the only people who wear them are -built, without paunches! A Lovelier You When Flattery Is Veiled By MARY SUE MILLER Have you noticed how many new hats are veiled? If you've never worn a veil, you've got a lot to learn. The advantages in face veiling are terrific. Any number of hat shapes are more becoming when worn with a veil. This is particularly true of fall's sleek, little cloches and roll brims.

Try either with a veil you will find you can wear it, although you never have before. Just so, one's fashion versatility increases in a single move. Of even greater value is the marvelous flattery to the skin and features of veiling. The asset grows with cleve selections. If your skin leans to the brunet side, choose fine meshes in black, royal, beige, pale gray, deep pink, red or white.

With fair skin, select heavy meshes in black, navy, dark gray, nude or any pastel. carried bouquets of pink carnations and daisies. The best man was the brother of the groom, J. Cabell Chenault, Richmond, Va. Jones, Columbus, Ohio, cousin Groomsmen were Richard of the groom; Tony Coomer, Storrs, Charles Boyles, Baltimore, William Wilder Aithen, Frankfort A reception was held at the Orlando Brown house, Frankfort.

The bride's book was kept by Miss Patricia Stephenson, Bowling Green, cousin of the bride. Those assisting in serving were Mrs. John R. Stephenson, Bowling Green, the bride's aunt; Mrs. David Lucas, Tucson, sister of the groom; Mrs.

Cabell Chenault, Richmord, sister-in-law of the groom, and Mrs. Jane Long, Frankfort. After a wedding trip to New York and Canada, the couple will live in Frankfort, where both are employed by the state. Danforth Chapel in Berea was the scene Aug. 14 of the wedding of Miss Brenda Sue Martin, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Lester B. Martin, Richmond, and Larry Jo Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell of Richmond.

The Rev. David Burberry officiated at the double ring service. Music was presented by Mrs. Roy Noe, vocalist, and Miss Brenda Campbell, sister of the groom, organist. The bride, escorted by her fater, wore a gown of white organza Alencon floor length, lace over peau de soie.

Her long mantilla was attached to a headpiece of organza flowers and she carried a bouquet of orchid, stephanotis with pastel centered Miss Marisa Lynn Martin served her sister as maid of honor. She wore a long gown of white with a pastel daisy overlay of chiffon. She wore a headdress of white daisies. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Brad Park, in lavender; Mrs.

Ronald Bowen, in pink, and Mrs. Bruce Lewis, in blue. The attendants all carried bouquets of pastel daisies. Tammy Renei Bingham, cousin of the bride, was flower girl. She was dressed in gold.

Mike Newland of Hamilton, Ohio, was ring bearer. Tommy Marcum of Lexington, cousin of the groom, served as best man. Ushers were Kenny Ritter, Ronald Wayne Eden and Brad Park, Richmond. A reception was held in the Fireside Room. Assisting were Paul Upton, Miss Tamara Upton, Miss Connie Bowlin and Miss Molly Wagers.

Miss Jeanne Barclay registered the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell took a wedding trip to Florida. They are living at 667 Brockton in Richmond where both are students at Eastern Kentucky University.

The bride is a junior, majoring in speech pathology and audiology. Mr. Campbell, a senior, is majoring in health, recreation and physica' education. British Olympics' finals to sing. The Jucarilla Apache Indians, worth $15,000,000 in Fed-given gains, financed Kirk Douglas's new flick, "A Gunfight" and it's a surprise boxoffice killing Rod Steiger admits he wears his hair combed forward because he's trying to look as if he has more of it and adds, "It's probably a pathetic at tempt at youth to be part of what's happening, but at least I'm trying to keep up." Used to be pregnant performers called a hiatus soon as maternity signs protruded: Shani Wallis starred Labor Day weekend at Airy Lodge in her 8th month Paramount's building up Barry Primus to counteract its temperamental instant star Ryan O'Neal Kim Novak made it that way when Columbia Pix got frustrated over Rita Hayworth's film detachment during her Aly Khan phase.

It's Copacabana owner Jules Podell's 52nd year as a cafe operator Applauding hands across the very-American anti British (and marvelous) "1776" won the London Critics' Circle's "best foreign musical" prize It's hardly unappreciated here: it's been running 20 months on Bdwy. and the summer touring troupe at Garden State Arts Center, just 45 minutes from hauled in a gigantic $158,850 for six performances. About 78,700 American soldiers fought in the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848. an The Colosseum in Rome was fac opened for use in A.D. 80.

mc GARDEN STATUARY and FOUNTAINS Special For September Only Free Circulating Pump With Each Fountain No Plumbing Necessary SINGER GARDENS Stamping Ground, Ky. Tel. (502) 535-6222 6 Miles West Of Georgetown, U.S. 227 Closed Sundays LINI Swini Erne Norn Made yellow Affo1 Pr a TV talk show host with warm smile, icy heart, quick repartee "who spurns his own wife's touch" Bill has three more novels due via paperback, two optioned to Cinerama for films: "So old press agents never die, they just fictionalize old clients," Bill told us. Penny Singleton, who subbed for Ruby Keeler during Ruby's vacation, may get her role in the "Nanette" road troupe; Arthur Lake, who was Dagwood to Penny's "Blondie" in films, may play her wandering husband.

Jerry the (Berdorf's) barber broke his leg and not the one he cuts hair with; he'll be back this week. The vice crackdown in the Times Square area hasn't discouraged this wild new ploy: a p*rno peepshow at 42nd St. Ave. has this come-on: "Private accommodations for your wife or girl friend to view with you." Andy Warhol's $10 book is being remaindered at 69 cents on the rookstalls. David peddling his villa on Niven's, d'Azur because it's being built up like Levittowns: "I might into exile Fiji David shrugs.

Is the Atlantic City Traymore Hotel giving Stores and tenants got leasttermination notices. The quickie romance of Jack Jones and Jo Ann Pflug went pflooie Singer Ruth Copeland (of Sly the ex Family Stone troupe) is a an star in Newcastle, England; she's 22; at 16 she quit the TOPS To Meet The Streamliners TOPS Club will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the second floor gallery of the Lexington Public Library. Miss Mildred Jones will be in charge of the weigh-in. Mrs.

Joy McElroy will conduct the business meeting. The program is "How to Die in the Fall." sh ag Qi 9-8 In order to wear a face veil, it need not be tacked to a hat. Unattached, it may prove more adaptable. It can be arranged before you put on a hat. That eliminates any possible veil hair eyelash lipstick hat conflict.

When you supply the veiling do give thought to your hat's coloring. Veil and hat need not match but they should have a complimentary relationship. Red hat and pink veil, let's say. For comfort, tie your veil so that it draws snug under the chin and poufs out a bit over your face. Finish behind the head with a generous starchy bowknot.

The effect calls for a word that is not much used now Glamour. MODEL TIPS FOR TEENS Fifty ways to ideal skin and natural makeup for young adults ages 13 to 19. are detailed in my booklet, MODEL TIPS FOR TEENS. Advice covers corrective skin care; ho to use makeup to accent good points and play down problems; fashion model makeup tricks. For your copy, write Mary Sue Miller in care of The Lexington Leader enclosing a long self addressed stamped envelope and 25 cents in coin.

At fro qui stu De is the No chi.

Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.