Alexa Backlinks Domain Age Yahoo Indexed Pages (2025)

1. 25+ Best High Quality Web Directories to Submit your Website

  • Sep 16, 2011 · • Domain Age: since 1996 • Google Indexed: 129,000 | Yahoo Indexed: | Bing Indexed: 9830 • Google Backlinks: 525 | Yahoo Backlinks: 814

  • For over the years i have seen many web directories come and go. I have always used submitting my websites to web directories to effectively market and promote my websites. The main advantages of submitting your sites to directories are backlinks, fast google indexing, and good pagerank (PR).  PR was used by many people as a measure to inbound links and link popularity for many websites nowdays, but many directory owners would argue that PR is almost dead as it has no influence on website traffic.

2. Google Page Rank - Digital Point Forums

  • Mar 23, 2011 · Google Backlinks: 11. Alexa Backlinks: 70. Yahoo Directory: No Google Indexed Pages: 35. Yahoo Indexed Pages: 57. Bing Indexed Pages: 24. Digg ...

  • I am desperate to know that how to get page rank ?? I have a website whose domain age is one year, now please help me what to do to get Google Page Rank ??

3. How to Index Backlinks Faster in 2024: Boost Your Website's Ranking

  • Jul 25, 2023 · Alexa Backlinks and Yahoo Indexed Pages: The Impact of Domain Age. When it comes to backlinks, the age of your domain is a critical factor.

  • Discover the ultimate guide on how to index backlinks like a pro. Stay ahead of the competition with our 2023 SEO strategy.

4. [PDF] Architecture for Checking Trustworthiness of Websites

  • pages indexed by yahoo and available in yahoo servers. [20]. If more ... Alexa inbounds links then more Weight-age is given to it. 14. Dmoz Listing ...

5. SEO Tools - The Web Pitch

  • Domain Stats Tool helps you get all kind of statistics of your competitor's domains. The statistics include Alexa Taffic Rank, Age of the domains, Yahoo ...

  • As part of my research, I will look into Search Engine Optimisation. What are the best ways to boost your position in search engines? What keywords should you use on your web-pages? And which tools…

6. Check Alexa Ranking OF Bulk Domains AT Once

7. Website Analyzer, mozRank Checker, Website Performance Test.

  • Check your page structure, pageranks, traffic rankings, backlinks, authority links, indexed pages in the most popular search engines, links from social networks ...

8. Domain Age Checker - Check Website Age - Prepostseo

  • If a domain is registered 10 years ago and indexed in Yahoo or Bing 2 years ago, then its age will be considered as 2 years. Also keep old keywords same, for ...

  • Bulk Domain age checker tool to check age of multiple websites. This tool also check the created date and last updated date of domain names.

9. Complete List of Best SEO-Tools - Smashing Magazine

  • Sep 22, 2006 · Checks for Indexed Pages, Links to Website, EDU & .GOV Links, Domain Age & Expiration, Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rank, DMOZ Listing ...

  • What are the best ways to boost your position in search engines? What keywords should you use on your web-pages? And which tools should you use to improve the quality of backlinks, link popularity and Google Pagerank? We deliver answers. Here is the list of the most useful SEO-tools you might be willing to use, developing and optimizing your next web-site.

10. Check that your website is in Yahoo Search | Yahoo Help - SLN2199

  • Missing: alexa backlinks age

  • Webmasters: learn how to check whether your website is indexed in Yahoo.

11. Website Seo Statistics Tool - Search Engine Genie

  • Information listed by this tool is alexa rank, alexa backlinks, google pagerank, domain authority, OnPage Seo details and much more. Thus, the result of this ...

  • Website Seo Statistics tool is beneficial for seo analyst as it analyzes the website and display information related to SEO that includes Google Page rank, Traffic Report, Alexa rank, On page Seo details and much more. The information provided will be helpful while website seo analysis.

12. 12 Best Semrush Alternatives for Ranking Your Content - Single Grain

  • Oct 5, 2021 · SE Ranking shows domain expiry date, backlinks, domain trust, domain authority, Alexa rank, and the number of indexed pages in Google, Yahoo, ...

  • If you need different features or prices, here are 12 excellent Semrush alternatives to help you rank your content better in the SERPs.

13. How to check the Domain Age? | SEO Forum - Moz

  • See what's new at Moz ... Get top competitive SEO metrics like DA, top pages and more. ... Find traffic-driving keywords with our 1.25 billion+ keyword index.

  • Check the Domain Age on THE SEO TOOLS KING Get Free seo tools only on THE SEO TOOLS KING

14. Optimizing for Yahoo! -

  • Domain Age Tool · Online MD5 Generator · Online URL Encoder · Online URL Decoder ... too spiders the pages on the Web, indexes them in its database and later ...

15. GetLinkedDomains - Majestic Developer

  • AlexaRank (lowest number means higher traffic); number of referring root domains linking to a root domain. number of external backlinks linking to a root domain ...

  • Deprecated - Scheduled for removal - Replaced by GetRefDomains

16. Selling - SEO Tools Domain And Website, PR2 - Digital Point Forums

  • May 2, 2012 · PR2. INCL: -Google PageRank Checker with Validation -Alexa Rank and Alexa Backlinks -Technorati Blog Rank ... -Yahoo Indexed Pages and Yahoo ...

  • Great SEO tools site script and domain . PR2. INCL: -Google PageRank Checker with Validation -Alexa Rank and Alexa Backlinks -Technorati Blog Rank...

17. SEO PowerSuite terms and factors: full glossary

  • ... domains; Top anchor/alt texts by backlinks or domains; Yandex Domain SQI. Linked pages ... The number of pages of partner website indexed in Google/Bing/Yahoo/ ...

  • Check out the complete list of SEO PowerSuite terms, ranking factors and metrics — with plain-English explanations!

18. Checklist Before Buying a Website - Netpeak Software

  • Mar 20, 2018 · 1.1. Domain Age Check and Domain Registration Lookup · 1.2. Security Check · 1.3. Indexation Check · 1.4. Backlinks Analysis · 1.5. Traffic Analysis.

  • Find out how to perform comprehensive analysis before buying a website and check such factors as domain history, security issues, search engine indexing, link profile, organic and paid traffic, domain trust level and more.

19. Google Indexed Pages Checker

  • Google Indexed Pages Checker tool is free to use, ➽➽ the tool will return all the indexed pages in Google and the ➽➽ backlinks of each page.

  • Google Indexed Pages Checker tool is free to use, ➽➽ the tool will return all the indexed pages in Google and the ➽➽ backlinks of each page

20. Link Checking | Scripts & Programs - 37 scripts/listings (in PHP)

  • Features: Domain Age, Google Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Google Backlinks, Yahoo Backlinks Alexa Backlinks, Altavista Backlinks, AllTheWeb ...

  • Link Checking - Please find Scripts and Resources in Link Checking (Parent Category - PHP/Scripts & Programs)

21. SEO Statistics SEO Widget Widget Engine SEO tools backlink checker ...

  • ... pages indexed by yahoo crawler. ALR: Alexa is the No.1 site in internet to value a website. They use various sophisticated methods to judge the value of a ...

  • The SEO Statistics Widget that we have developed will automatically query you all the information about your url from n number of searchengines in the world. It shows your site pagerank in a graphical format.

22. Seo Stats PHP Script Kazuc 1 - free download for Windows

  • Alexa Rank and Alexa Backlinks Technorati Blog Rank Compete Rank DMOZ Directory Yahoo Directory Google Indexed Pages and Google Backlinks ... Domain Age Digg ...

  • Seo Stats PHP Script Kazuc - download the latest version for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit and 64-bit). Seo Stats PHP Script Kazuc - SEO Stats PHP - All in One SEO Tools. Get Seo Stats PHP Script Kazuc old versions and alternatives.

Alexa Backlinks Domain Age Yahoo Indexed Pages (2025)


Does domain age matter in SEO? ›

Domain age is not a direct ranking factor in Google. However, the byproduct of an established domain (backlinks, trust with readers, and high-quality content) make it far easier to rank like-for-like content on an established versus a new domain.

How many backlinks does a website need to rank on page one? ›

An established website should have 40-50 backlinks to the homepage and 0-100 backlinks to each individual web page to start being competitive from an SEO perspective.

Is Alexa rank important for SEO? ›

Alexa Rank can be a huge factor in your SEO strategy as it indicates your website's popularity against literally millions of other websites, making it a useful benchmarking KPI for competitive analysis.

Are backlinks still important in 2024? ›

Backlinks do still matter! Gaining backlinks from reputable and relevant sources can boost your brand's credibility and visibility amongst your target audience. High-quality backlinks can help increase your page's rankings as well as its chances of standing out against competitor content.

Do expired domains work for SEO? ›

By purchasing an expired domain, you can inherit its established SEO value and enjoy the benefits of an established online presence. With backlinks, traffic, and authority already in place, an expired domain can be the perfect solution for businesses looking to boost their SEO quickly and effectively.

What is the benefit of domain age? ›

Significance of Domain Age

Domain age significantly impacts perceptions of email reliability among recipients and email service providers (ESPs). Older domains, with their verifiable history of email frequency, content types, and user interactions, are generally seen as more trustworthy.

How to build 100 backlinks in 30 days or less? ›

In particular, you'll want to create and share an infographic, build your social signals, search LinkedIn for contributors to publications and ask for mentions, guest blog, and write testimonials. Do these things, and you'll be off to 100 or more backlinks within the next 30 days.

Can too many links hurt SEO? ›

Putting more than a hundred links doesn't immediately impact your site negatively if your page authority is relatively high. But if you're just starting a small business, doing so might do more harm than good. Just to be sure, just follow the guidelines that most SEO strategies suggest. No more than 150 links per page.

What pages should you build backlinks to? ›

We all know that a backlink can help improve the visibility of a webpage in Google. As a result, you're going to want to build backlinks to all the pages on your site that you would like more visibility for. These pages are typically going to be your Homepage and service pages.

How accurate is Alexa ranking? ›

How much is the Alexa rank reliable? Not necessarily. The global Alexa Rank is updated daily, but it is based on visitors to your website over the trailing 3 months. So, a day's worth of traffic is about 1/90th of all the traffic used to rank your site.

Does Alexa rank still work? ›

On May 1, 2022, Amazon shut down Alexa Internet and subsequently discontinued Alexa Rank. While Alexa Internet didn't publicly state why they retired the service, it's likely because of the lack of interest from digital marketers.

What is the difference between Alexa rank and page rank? ›

While Google PageRank measures a page's back links, citations, damping factor, etc., Alexa Rank solely measures the most unique visitors of a website. Technically PageRank is a exponential scale between 0 and 10 while Alexa is a ranking of sites, in order from most traffic to least (typically up to a million).

Which backlinks should be avoided? ›

What Kinds of Backlinks Should You Avoid?
  • Paid Links. Search engines look at your site's value based on how well it's been liked by other real and earned sites. ...
  • Backlinks in Press Releases That Are Not Newsworthy. ...
  • Low-Quality or Irrelevant Directory Links. ...
  • Low-Quality Forum Backlinks. ...
  • Domains with High Spam Score.
Jul 4, 2024

Can you rank high without backlinks? ›

To rank you need content, and to rank without backlinks that content needs to be good, and fits in line with what your audience is looking for. In SEO speak, we call this 'search intent'. While we may deal in keywords, don't forget that there are actual questions behind every keyword typed into Google.

How many backlinks is it safe to create a day? ›

A general guideline is 5–10 new quality backlinks per day. Going above 15+ new backlinks per day, especially low-quality ones, risks triggering spam filters or penalties. Build links slowly, steadily, and naturally. Focus more on building high-quality, relevant backlinks from authority sites in your niche.

Does domain length affect SEO? ›

The length of your domain name does not affect its standing on search engines. However, it can have a significant impact its memorability. Research indicates that the average domain length is 12 characters long, but the most popular websites tend to have even shorter names.

What is the best domain length for SEO? ›

We recommend you to keep your domain length between 6-14 characters. This site – “” is exactly 10 characters long.

Does domain rating affect SEO? ›

You can measure your site versus competitors to see how your authority stacks up. External backlinks pointing to your site are how the domain authority score is calculated. Domain authority has no bearing on your actual Google rank. It's only a comparison tool that predicts how Google would rank a website.

Does domain name matter for SEO? ›

Domain names do impact your SEO efforts, but they aren't necessarily a make-or-break portion of your strategy. In fact, a changing domain name could confuse search engines and other bots trying to crawl through your web pages.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.