ABN AMRO | Terms of Use (2024)

    Table of contents

    • Registration and Acceptance
    • Use API keys
    • Use of the API Toolbox
    • Communication
    • Use of the Sandbox environment
    • Use of the Forum
    • Use of the Content
    • Your Application
    • Termination
    • Liability/warranties
    • Personal Data
    • Miscellaneous
    • Governing law and jurisdiction

    General Developer Terms of Use

    ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (ABN AMRO or we) allows you to use certain ABN AMRO APIs ('APIs'), API Keys, Documentation, a Sandbox environment, a Forum and other relevant materials (the ‘API Toolbox’) and accompanying support and maintenance services ('API Services') via this developer portal for use in your (mobile) application, website or other software feature as registered (the 'Application'). You are entitled to use the API Toolbox in accordance with this General Developer Terms of Use ('Terms of Use') as stated below.


    Please note that for certain APIs, we may apply different or additional terms & conditions because of their special nature. For some APIs we may also request a charge, as specified in our general API pricing conditions. Where this document refers to Terms of Use, this must also be understood as including the additional terms & conditions as agreed for specific APIs used via this developer portal.

    1. Registration and acceptance

    1.1 Registration - For using the API Toolbox, you first need to register and accept the Terms of Use. You acknowledge all your submitted information is accurate and, if you are registering as a natural person, that you are 18 years or older. If you register or work on behalf of a company, you acknowledge you are legally authorized to bind your company to these Terms of Use.

    1.2. Additional registration information - For the use of certain APIs, we may require you to provide additional information or (legally required) certificates, or to agree with additional terms & conditions for specific APIs.

    1.3 Notification of your amendments - You will immediately notify us about any amendments in your submitted information to developer-support@nl.abnamro.com, including e.g. a withdrawal of a certificate.

    2. Use of API keys

    2.1 Due care API keys - After registration of an Application, you receive an API key and a corresponding secret (the ‘API keys’) for each Application. You will keep the API keys secret from others, use them with due care and only for your Application. You will never rent, sell, sublicense, encumber, publish on any public media or commercially distribute the API keys to any third parties.

    2.2 Environment - The API keys are provided to enable you to use the API Toolbox within our Sandbox environment. If you wish to use the API Toolbox within a real production environment, you need to request additional API Keys and will follow the onboarding process for this.

    3. Use of the API Toolbox

    3.1 License API Toolbox - Unless expressly stated otherwise, you will receive a non-exclusive, worldwide, personal, reversible, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, royalty free license to use the API Toolbox under the restrictions stated under this Terms of Use.

    3.2 Technical requirements - You may only use the API Toolbox if you fulfil the technical requirements specified for the applicable API. You make reasonable efforts to avoid any technical problems, unauthorized access and security incidents, including the use of updated virus scanners.

    3.3 Non-permitted use - While using the API Toolbox, you will not:

    1. violate the law, including any (intellectual property) rights of ABN AMRO or others;
    2. use the API Toolbox in a way causing ABN AMRO to be in violation of any law;
    3. hinder or damage the accessibility, functioning or security of our developer portal, API gateway, or the API Toolbox;
    4. negatively affect ABN AMRO’s business activities or reputation;
    5. perform any security test (e.g. pen-testing), performance tests (e.g. load-testing), stress tests or similar tests on the API Toolbox or API-facilities.

    3.4 No request for client credentials - You acknowledge that a user of your Application ('End User') may be an accountholder of ABN AMRO, who is bound by terms and conditions of ABN AMRO, such as the General Conditions ABN AMRO N.V. (consisting of the General banking terms and conditions, and the conditions client relationship), the Commercial Payment Services Conditions, and the Consumer Payment Services Conditions.

    3.5 No metadata - You are not entitled to use or store any metadata or algorithms received by us regarding your use of the API Toolbox.

    3.6 Additional measures - For certain APIs, we may request you to take additional measures regarding your use of the API Toolbox towards the End User, like the addition of disclaimers or privacy policies. You will comply with those requests.

    3.7 ABN AMRO attribution - We may require you to present the text “powered by ABN AMRO” or another attribution provided by us near or adjacent to the place where the Content as defined in Section 7 (Use of Content) will be presented to the End User, without prejudice to applicable restrictions regarding Brand features as stated in Section 7.

    3.8 Modification - We are entitled at any time to modify or amend the API Toolbox, the developer portal and our API services. Significant modifications relevant for you will be communicated on the website or by email.

    3.9 Limit on API calls - Each account contains a limit for API calls as further described on our developer portal. Additionally, we may still limit your amount of API calls because of technical and/or security reasons.

    3.10 Monitoring - Subject to Section 11 (Personal data), we may monitor your use of APIs for the following purposes:

    1. to prevent fraud;
    2. to avoid congestion problems;
    3. to perform, evaluate and improve our APIs and API Services;
    4. to check whether your Application satisfies the requirements as imposed by these Terms of Use;
    5. if we have reasonable suspicion of fraud, misuse or any other violation of the law regarding your use of the API Toolbox.

    3.11 Audit - We are entitled to audit your use of the API Toolbox in your Application in a proportionate way:

    1. in order to check whether your Application satisfies the requirements as imposed by these Terms of Use;
    2. if we have reasonable suspicion of fraud, misuse or any other violation of the law regarding your use of the API Toolbox;

    3.12 Availability - We will make reasonable efforts to ensure the availability of the API Toolbox. However, we are never under an obligation to provide you with a certain result or warrant availability of the API Tollbox for a certain period of time.

    3.13 Technical support - We make reasonable efforts to provide you with technical support to facilitate the use of the developer portal and will answer reasonable questions as an additional and free service. We however assume you have some basic affinity with IT. We are not under an obligation to provide you with a certain result or to reach certain service levels, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.

    3.14 Maintenance - In order to provide our developers with an optimal experience, we need to regularly maintain and update our developer portal. Such maintenance and/or updates will be pre-announced on our website or by email in advance. This means our services may not be available for a certain limited period of time. You are never entitled to any compensation of damages for unavailability of our services during those pre-announced maintenance activities.

    3.15 Releases - After an update or new release, we will keep the previous version available for a period of 6 months after the new release, unless provided otherwise.

    4. Communication

    4.1 Confidential Information - Any of our non-public communication disclosed to you regarding the API Toolbox is considered to be confidential information (‘Confidential Information’), unless stated otherwise. You will:

    1. only use Confidential Information received for the purpose it was provided to you,
    2. prevent disclosure of Confidential Information to third parties, and
    3. restrict the circulation of Confidential Information only to persons that have a need to know the information for use of the APIs.

    4.2 Exceptions - The obligations in this Section 4 do not apply if the Confidential Information:

    1. becomes part of the public domain without violation of these Terms of Use,
    2. can be proven known and on record at the receiving party prior to the first disclosure of the Confidential Information, with the exception to any Confidential Information that was prepared for or on behalf of the disclosing party, or
    3. can be proven to have been independently developed.

    4.3 Feedback - If you communicate to us any comments, ideas, suggestions or other feedback ('Feedback') regarding the API Toolbox, we are entitled to use your Feedback free of charge, worldwide and without any other restriction in order to improve our API Toolbox, developer portal or API Services.

    4.4 Website communication – We take reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and integrity of our information, Documentation and related materials provided on the developer portal website, but misprints, typing errors, miscalculations or other errors appearing on the developer portal are reserved.

    5. Use of the Sandbox environment

    5.1 Only for testing - You will use the Sandbox environment only for testing purposes.

    5.2 Proper use simulations - You will not present simulations generated via dummy data as real data to any third party.

    5.3 Data restrictions - Only dummy data, or non-personal data may be used in the Sandbox.

    5.4 Use own data – We note that ABN AMRO cannot delete data sent to Sandbox environment at your specific request (but only as part of our general deletion process).

    6. Use of the Forum

    6.1 Own risk - We make no warranties that any information posted by ourselves, our staff or third parties on the forums is accurate. Use of the Forum is at your own risk, and you are advised to check the validity of information posted.

    6.2 Inappropriate conduct: You will not post any false , indecent, inappropriate or illegal content, or conduct any inappropriate or illegal activities on our Forum.

    6.3 No promotional content: You will not post any advertisem*nts, spam or (links to) promotional content with a commercial interest on our Forum.

    7. Use of the Content

    7.1 License on the Content - Unless stated otherwise, You will receive a non-exclusive, worldwide, reversible, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, royalty free license on any data, texts, images, drawings, Brands, functionality or other information, materials or content (the 'Content') you receive through the APIs under the restrictions in this Section 7.

    7.2 Open source - Certain aspects of the API Toolbox may contain open source materials which are governed by applicable open source license conditions. You agree to comply with such open source license conditions if necessary.

    7.3 Security level - You ensure that your communication of the Content to an End user encompasses an adequate level of security considering the nature of the Content, and is in accordance with common industry standards.

    7.4 No modification Content - You are not allowed to modify any Content without our prior written consent, unless this is allowed for by law.

    7.5 Restricted use Brands - If you use our tradenames, logos, trademarks, look and feel, corporate identity elements, domain names or other brand features (Brands), you will not present Brands in a way:

    1. which expresses or implies a relationship, partnership, cooperation, affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsem*nt by ABN AMRO (other than your use of the API Toolbox);
    2. which suggests that editorial content has been authored by, or represents the views or opinions of ABN AMRO;
    3. which negatively affects ABN AMRO’s reputation;
    4. that is defamatory, misleading, infringing, degrading, obscene, or offensive;
    5. that violates the law; or
    6. that removes, or modifies any element of the Brands.

    7.6 Restricted caching/storing - You will not index, cache or store any Content on your Application, unless this is technically necessary for the communication of the Content to an End user, and only if such storage:

    1. is secure in accordance with common industry standards;
    2. is in accordance with applicable laws;
    3. does not manipulate or modify any part of the Content; and
    4. is temporary, and where the Content must also be deleted as soon as possible if it is not necessary anymore for its original purpose (and in no event more than 1 calendar day).

    7.7 No bulk storage/mass downloads - You will never store the Content for commercial, non-technical purposes, including mass downloads of any Content, the creation of a database, big data or analytical purposes.

    7.8 No other recipients - You will never disclose the Content to others than to the End user who requested the Content.

    8. Your application

    8.1 Ownership - You will own the intellectual property in your Application.

    8.2 Additional requests - We may request you to provide us with additional information and/or images about your Application for promotional, technical or security purposes. You will comply with such requests.

    8.3 Access/Testing - We are entitled to get access to and/or test your Application, if this is necessary because of technical, security or compliancy reasons.

    8.4 Adaptation - We may require you to reasonably adapt the functionality of your Application in order to safeguard the continuity of the services to the End User within a reasonable period of time.

    9. Termination

    9.1 Termination - We are entitled to terminate your registration and the Terms of Use without giving any reasons, after a written notification with a termination period of 7 days.

    9.2 No active use - If you have not logged on to, or otherwise used your account or API-keys actively within 12 months, we will deactivate or terminate your registration.

    9.3 Termination for cause - We are entitled to suspend or terminate your registration immediately, without notification, if:

    1. you breach these Terms of Use or the law;
    2. we suspect you to become insolvent or if you have been granted suspension of payments;

    9.4 Consequences of termination - Termination has the following consequences:

    1. we will block your API keys;
    2. we will block your access to the development portal;
    3. you will be required to remove promptly, but in any event no later than two business days, any materials from the API Toolbox from your Application, and delete any Content you possess or control. You will send us evidence that you have deleted any Content stored on your application.

    9.5 No damages - We are not responsible for any compensation or any damages incurred or to be incurred in connection with any termination in accordance with this Terms of Use.

    10. Liability/warranties

    10.1 Responsibility - Use of the API Toolbox is at your own risk. You will be fully responsible for the development, functioning, maintenance and service of your Application.

    10.2 Warranty Disclaimer - The API Toolbox and Content are provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. To the full extent permissible by law, we expressly disclaim all representations or warranties of any kind.

    10.3 Limitation of Liability - We have limited liability arising from or based on your use of the API Toolbox, except for damage caused by willful intent (“opzet”), gross negligence (“bewuste roekeloosheid”), or fraud. Our maximum aggregate liability under these Terms of Use and/or related to the API Toolbox will not exceed the amount of one hundred euros (€ 100), or in any event does not exceed the amount to be paid out by our insurance company.
    For certain (paid) ABN AMRO API services, other limitations of liability may apply as stated in the additional ABN AMRO API conditions.

    10.4 Exclusion liability - Excluded from liability are any indirect, consequential damages ("gevolgschade") and punitive damages, loss of goodwill and reputation, future sales or business profits, whether such claim is based on warranty, contract, unlawful act (“onrechtmatige daad”), or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Under ‘indirect damages’ we understand any and all damages which are not directly related to the functioning of our APIs and API Services.

    10.5 Your indemnification - You will indemnify ABN AMRO for any third party claims for loss or damage of any nature arising out of your use of the API Toolbox, including any breach of this Terms of Use.

    11. Personal data

    11.1 Your data compliance - You will comply with any applicable legislation regarding personal data.

    11.2 Our data compliance - We will process your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation, and have taken appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data.

    11.3 Data purposes - We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

    1. for identification and verification purposes;
    2. to provide you with the API Toolbox, and to perform the API services;
    3. for fraud detection and prevention;
    4. to evaluate and improve our API Toolbox and API services;
    5. to send you news and updates regarding our developer portal;
    6. to contact you in the event of problems or security or compliance incidents, or amendments in our services or Terms of Use;
    7. to ensure compliance with the applicable laws and requests of the regulators;

    11.4 Notification security incident - If you notice any problems or security incidents during the use of the API Toolbox, you will notify us immediately at the following contact address: developer-support@nl.abnamro.com.

    11.5 Contact about personal data - If you have any questions or requests regarding the use, correction or deletion of your personal data, you can send an email to: developer-support@nl.abnamro.com.

    12. Miscellaneous

    12.1 No partnership - Nothing in these Terms of Use will be construed as creating a partnership, franchise, agency, fiduciary, employment or joint venture relationship of any kind between the parties. You nor we will have the authority to bind the other party or to contract in the name of or create a liability against the other party in performing its obligations or exercising its rights under these Terms of Use.

    12.2 Assignment - You may not assign any of your rights or obligations under these Terms of Use without our prior written approval. We may assign any of our rights or obligations without your approval by providing notice to you by email or posting a notice on our developer portal.

    12.3 Amendment Terms of Use - We may, in our sole discretion, amend or modify these Terms of Use from time to time, which we will announce on our developer portal or via email. If you do not agree with the amended Terms of Use, you should stop using the API Toolbox. If you continue using the API Toolbox, you will be considered to have silently accepted the amended Terms of Use.

    12.4 Severity - The invalidity, illegality or lack of unenforceability of any provision of these Terms of Use will not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use. The affected provision will be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision will be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or a part-provision under this clause will not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this agreement.

    12.5 APIs outside PSD2 – Except for the specifically indicated PSD2-APIs, any other API or API Services provided under these Terms of Use will be assumed to fall outside the scope of PSD2. If a supervisory authority, court or other institution with equivalent authority considers in a final decision or judgment that PSD2 is applicable for other APIs used under these Terms of Use, the requirements for PSD2-APIs will automatically become applicable and these Terms of Use will automatically become inapplicable for the use of those APIs, unless you are informed otherwise.

    13. Governing law and jurisdiction

    13.1 Governing law - These Terms of Use are governed by Dutch law. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“Weens Koopverdrag”) is excluded.

    13.2 Jurisdiction - Any disputes in relation to these Terms of Use, any additional terms & conditions or annexes regarding the use of the developer portal or API Toolbox will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court in Amsterdam.

                    Terms of Use (2024)
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    Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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